Diane's Movie Quest
The bet is on... can Diane possibly watch 30 feature length movies between August 19th and September 5th? Walaka and I have a gentlemen's bet on this one. Personally, I do not believe anyone could watch that many films without losing their mind... but we'll see. Bragging rights in the blogosphere go to the winner.
Here's the problem... Diane needs to actually find 30 movies! She's exhausted the public library system (which might get her 4-5 films... apparently the good ones have 300+ holds on them!) She is entertaining the idea of trying to get a 2 week freebie subscription to Netflix, but that will only net her about 10 given the turnaround between shippings and the "3 at a time" rule. She can't afford to actually go rent films at Lackluster Video. So... does anyone want to loan Diane movies for the cause? I'm offering up my small collection of DVDs (she doesn't have a VCR so it's DVDs only!) Also, does anyone know of a place that might offer $.99 rentals on Tuesday or something? If she could find a deal like that, or enough of us are able to loan her some films, she could at least find the 30 DVDs required to attempt her feat. We're also counting any films seen in theaters, so be sure to invite Diane out to movies at the Crest that fortnight. I don't think she can do it, but I'd love to see her go all glassy-eyed and feral in the attempt. Leave your offers on the comments page so Diane can check it, and the rest of us can know what's on the table already.
Labels: Dear Diary, Movies